Now THIS reeks of awesomeness

Sometimes good things happen to good people.
A lot of people have heaped praise upon TNA Wrestling since it finally a got a national TV deal this fall, and I've got to agree. While the WWE will probably always remain the top dog in the industry given the history, the power, the money, etc. it's great to see an alternative to the status quo.
It's become more apparent than ever that Vince McMahon is pretty much running his television shows for himself rather than for the fans, which usually means the big roided up freaks getting the top spots in the company while the guys who can actually wrestle languish on the web-only shows or so far down in the midcard you wonder if they're even still with the company at times. Even when they have the opportunity to shake things up (EDGE) they somehow find a way to screw it up and go right back to the same boring direction (Cena v. HHH, feel the excitement~!) as always.
Which is why TNA is such a breath of fresh air. It's not a perfect company by any stretch, but more often than the WWE it seems to listen to what the fans have to say. Christian Cage has busted his ass for years in wrestling (side note: I was in attendance for his first WWE appearance ever, Breakdown in 1998) and never seem to get the chance to main event or even be a bigger part of the company. In fact, the last time the WWE came to Toronto, Christian's home town, not only did they not put him in a match but they even went so far as to have him attacked during his own interview segment and made to look pretty bad. What purpose exactly does having an already popular character get laid out in his hometown serve? It's stupid crap like this that makes Booker T hate going home to Houston.
So this past weekend, Christian Cage walked off with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and finally shattered that glass ceiling. Just another example of how TNA, though it might not be quite as wide a scope of the WWE, can be far more enjoyable to watch and ultimately provide that sense of competition that's been missing from pro wrestling for the last 5 years.
Cuz that's how he rolls.
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